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US Presidential Candidate Donald Trump Promises "Full Support" for Cryptocurrencies!

source-logo  en.bitcoinsistemi.com 09 May 2024 03:50, UTC

Former US President Donald Trump, who is a candidate again in the 2024 US Presidential elections, continues to come to the fore with his positive statements about Bitcoin (BTC) and cryptocurrencies.

At this point, in his previous statements, he stated that he accepted the popularity of Bitcoin and announced his support for the cryptocurrency industry.

Finally, Trump reiterated his support for the cryptocurrency industry and announced that he would accept cryptocurrency donations in his election campaign.

Meeting with investors who bought NFTs, Trump said:

“You cannot donate cryptocurrency during the election campaign, but I will change this. I will make cryptocurrency donations possible.

Can we donate to the Trump campaign using crypto? “I believe the answer to the question is yes.”

“Joe Biden Doesn't Know What Cryptocurrency is!”

Donald Trump, who also criticized his rival in the presidential elections, Joe Biden, said that Biden does not even know what cryptocurrency is.

“He doesn't even know what cryptocurrency is.

“If you love crypto in any way and support crypto, you better vote for Trump.”

Trump, who also criticized Biden and the administration's anti-cryptocurrency attitude, added that he would not allow the cryptocurrency industry to leave the United States. Promising to do his best to keep the crypto industry in the USA, Trump said: “If the cryptocurrency industry is leaving the USA due to the hostility of Biden and his administration, we will stop it. Because we do not want this. If we are going to adopt crypto, we must allow them to be in the USA.” said.

Trump's latest statements regarding BTC show that he has backtracked on his previous statements in 2021, in which he called Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies a “scam” competing against the dollar.

*This is not investment advice.
