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Prosecutors Oppose Dismissal of Charges Against Sam Bankman-Fried - Crypto Economy

source-logo  crypto-economy.com 30 May 2023 08:52, UTC

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Prosecutors have vehemently opposed the dismissal of charges against Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), the former billionaire and founder of FTX. In court filings submitted on Monday, prosecutors refuted the defense’s arguments, asserting that the criminal charges brought against Bankman-Fried hold significant weight and should not be dismissed on procedural grounds.

Bankman-Fried’s defense team had sought to dismiss the charges on multiple grounds, including technicalities surrounding his extradition back to the United States and the perceived irrelevance of certain U.S. laws due to FTX’s non-U.S. location. The defense further contended that the charges exceeded the scope of the agreed-upon extradition terms.

On the other hand, Bankman-Fried maintains his plea of not guilty and denies the allegations of cheating investors and misappropriating funds.

U.S. Prosecutors Defend Validity of Charges, Oppose Dismissal Motion

However, prosecutors challenged these assertions, arguing that the extradition treaty with the Bahamas permits post-extradition charges with the consent of the extraditing country. They emphasized that any new indictments presented after the extradition do not violate the extradition terms.

One of the charges against Bankman-Fried, filed in March, alleged that he violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) by offering a sum of $40 million to unnamed Chinese officials to unfreeze accounts. As previously reported, however, he pleaded not guilty to this charge.

While Bankman-Fried argued that allegations of commodity fraud should be invalid due to extraterritorial enforcement, prosecutors maintained that the charges should stand as the impact of FTX’s trades reverberated within the United States’ cryptocurrency markets.

Another significant aspect of the case revolves around alleged campaign finance law violations. Prosecutors dismissed Bankman-Fried’s arguments, stating that the indictment provided explicit details of how he worked to conceal the source of funds for political donations made in the names of FTX executives.

Sam Bankman-Fried Awaits Trial

Prosecutors made a strong case against the dismissal of the charges, urging the Manhattan federal court judge to deny Bankman-Fried’s request.

Sam Bankman-Fried, who has pleaded not guilty to 13 counts of fraud, conspiracy, illegal campaign contributions, and foreign bribery, had argued that the charges were rushed and insufficient. However, prosecutors described the defense’s motions as “meritless” and emphasized that the allegations in the indictment were legally sound and comprehensive.

The next phase in this high-profile legal battle will unfold during oral arguments on June 15 before U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan. Currently under house arrest at his parents’ Palo Alto, California, home, Bankman-Fried’s trial is scheduled for October.

As this complex legal saga continues to unfold, the outcome will undoubtedly have far-reaching implications for the cryptocurrency landscape and may reshape the regulatory environment surrounding digital assets.
