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Sonic Blockchain Sets New Speed Record with 720 Millisecond Transaction Finality

source-logo  cryptonewsland.com 10 September 2024 03:50, UTC
  • Sonic blockchain achieves record transaction finality in just 720 milliseconds, redefining speed in blockchain technology.
  • Sonic offers developers up to 90% of gas fees, boosting economic incentives and fostering innovative app development.
  • With native account abstraction, Sonic eliminates traditional wallet requirements, simplifying user blockchain access.

The Sonic blockchain network accomplished a significant milestone in blockchain technology by completing transactions in just 720 milliseconds, setting a new industry standard for speed. This significant development contrasts traditional blockchain networks, which can take much longer and usually require numerous confirmations to ensure transaction irreversibility.


400ms responsiveness (perfect for synchronous events)
720ms finality (true, not probabilistic – no "please wait 30 blocks")

Gas Monetization = 90% fees generated goes to devs
Gas Subsidies = no gas required
Native Account Abstraction = No wallets pic.twitter.com/VVHlk054Hn

— Andre Cronje (@AndreCronjeTech) September 8, 2024

Sonic has eliminated this delay, providing what it describes as “true finality” in a fraction of a second. This feature stands out, especially compared to other networks like Solana, which still require numerous confirmations to achieve finality despite their high block creation rates.

Enhancements to Developer Incentives and User Accessibility

In addition to its impressive speed, Sonic has introduced compelling economic incentives for developers by offering them up to 90% of the network’s gas costs. This strategy supports the growth of its developer community and fosters innovation by creating a more profitable environment for developing decentralized applications on the Sonic blockchain.

The network also seeks to enhance user accessibility through a gas subsidy system, effectively removing the transaction cost barrier. This approach diverges from traditional blockchain models, where users must often pay transaction fees. Sonic aims to simplify user interaction with the blockchain by subsidizing gas costs, increasing its appeal, and potentially expanding its user base.

Sonic’s Unique Approach to User Interaction

One notable innovation on the Sonic blockchain is the native account abstraction, which eliminates the need for traditional wallet setups. This invention considerably simplifies the onboarding process for new users by enabling users to interact with the blockchain without dealing with the difficulties of creating and maintaining a wallet. Sonic’s overarching plan to improve blockchain technology’s usability and accessibility includes this abstraction.

Furthermore, Sonic Labs’ integration of advanced technologies like Chainlink Data Feeds and the Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) enhances the blockchain’s capabilities, enabling programmers to construct more dependable and secure applications. These integrations improve the environment surrounding the blockchain, which is crucial since they provide developers with the required resources.
