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Telegram Open Network project is now alive and evolving

source-logo  thecoinrepublic.com 25 December 2021 03:10, UTC

Telegram, one of most security focused cloud messaging applications, has verified payments bot to accept Toncoin crypto. Last year, a messaging service provider terminated the Telegram Open Network (TON) project. However, Pavel Durov, the CEO of the cloud messaging firm has announced that the project is now alive and evolving. Moreover, the CEO expressed excitement about the TON technology that continued its development after the firm abandoned the project last year. Durov claims the project is still years ahead of everything else in the blockchain realm.

Telegram team has build something epic

Pavel Durov cited that the team behind Telegram Open Network is proud that the technology that they created is alive and evolving. Following the scalability solution and speed that TON brings, it seems the project is ahead of everything else that the blockchain ecosystem has yet witnessed. 

In the announcement, Durov also highlighted that the project has been rebranded from TON to Toncoin, which is now independent of Telegram.

Moreover, Durov thanked the team behind the project for the success. And noted that coupling with the right go-to-market strategy they have introduced something epic. 

TON has made a coalition with Donate

Notably, Durov’s remarks came after Donate, a verified payments service that is preparing to enable donations on the cloud messaging platform using the Toncoin digital currency. According to the announcement of the partnership, it is known that the users will soon be able to make donations and pay for their subscriptions in Tonchain. Simultaneously, channel administrators will be able to collect their income in crypto.

What is the TON project all about?

Telegram Open Network is a blockchain that was developed by brothers Nikolai and Pavel Durov in 2017. However, the two and telegram stepped away from the project last year after the US SEC. Notably, the SEC specifically won the case where it accused the social media platform of violating the Securities Laws by conducting its $1.7 billion ICO.

Despite officially being terminated for more than a year, TON is still alive. And the original open-source project has risen to a number of independent spinoffs.

At press time, the blockchain project has almost 160k subscribers on its official Telegram channel. In contrast, the global community is counting about 50k followers.
