
For authors and copyright owners

Attention to Website Owners and Copyright Holders!

The Crypto News aggregator app currently features a database of over 300 sources. We adhere to all rules for quoting content and strive to respect all copyrights.

Would you like your content to be included in the Crypto News feed?
Please send your link and cover letter to support@cryptonews.net.

Each submission is individually reviewed by the app’s chief editor. Our primary requirements for content are regularity, originality, and timeliness. Submissions are evaluated within 10 (ten) business days, and you will be notified of the decision via email.

For any complaints about the app, please reach out to us at support@cryptonews.net.
Include the following information in your complaint:

  1. A detailed description of the issue.
  2. Links to the specific content in question.
  3. Documentation proving ownership, if applicable.

We review all emails and respond promptly, typically within five(5) business days.

We reserve the right to exclude content sources from the Crypto News database if they violate copyright laws, provide inaccurate information, or fail to meet our content standards.