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Upcoming Major Dogecoin Project, "Libdogecoin 0.1", Ready for Release

15 June 2022 14:42, UTC
Anna Martynova

According to Dogecoin developer Michi LUMIN, Libdogecoin, which refers to the building block for creating Dogecoin projects, may soon appear in version 0.1. In recent months, the Dogecoin team has focused on building the groundwork for RadioDoge, Gigawallet, and many future projects through the first phase of Libdogecoin.

In April, the first Dogecoin transaction sent offline via RadioDOGE was reported, marking a historic moment for the meme-cryptocurrency. RadioDoge focuses on using low-cost radio technology (HF/LoRaWAN) in conjunction with the global Starlink satellite network to provide low-cost, wide-scale access to Dogecoin for people who live outside of the normal Internet infrastructure.

The Gigawallet and RadioDoge projects aim to get the Dogecoin ecosystem ready for rapid mass adoption, citing the fact that 1.7 bln people in the world are unbanked. The mission of the Dogecoin Foundation is to make Dogecoin the de facto medium of exchange for goods and services around the world.

Image: TechnoPixel