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Newly Launched Libdogecoin May Open New Chapter in the Dogecoin Ecosystem

15 August 2022 15:30, UTC
Anna Martynova

DOGE developer Shafil ALAM reported that he successfully compiled Libdogecoin for Android and iOS devices. Dogecoin Foundation director Timothy STEBBING commented on this post that it demonstrates Libdogecoin's ability to take Dogecoin developments into new areas and provides many ways to create new Doge applications.

Libdogecoin v0.1, a C-library of Dogecoin building blocks that provides direct, easy integration of Dogecoin into various platforms without the need for developers to have in-depth knowledge of the blockchain, was released just recently, according to the announcement made by core developer Michi LUMIN earlier in August. Libdogecoin will allow anyone to easily develop a product that conforms to the Dogecoin standard as it is a pure library without the ability to "run" a node.

The adoption that follows the integration highlights the Dogecoin Foundation's core utility-centric approach. This is believed to be possible by supporting the community's ability to innovate by making the core functionality of Dogecoin available as a simple C-library with bindings for multiple languages. Libdogecoin also serves as the basis for projects such as RadioDoge and GigaWallet, which aim to bring the Dogecoin ecosystem into a state ready for rapid mainstream adoption.

Image: ultcoin365