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If Biden Does Drop Out of the Race, What Do Other High-Ranking Democrats Say About Crypto?

08 July 2024 13:27, UTC

As the 2024 presidential election draws near, speculation intensifies about who might replace President Biden if he drops out. A critical consideration for investment markets is each candidate’s stance on cryptocurrency.

With crypto’s burgeoning influence across sectors like eCommerce, food and beverage, and iGaming, its role in shaping economic and regulatory frameworks is increasingly pivotal. This article examines the positions of some potential Joe Biden replacements on cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency’s Growing Influence Across Sectors

The integration of cryptocurrency into various major sectors highlights its growing significance. In eCommerce, cryptocurrencies facilitate smoother transactions and lower fees. The food and beverage industry has seen some businesses adopting crypto payments to attract a tech-savvy customer base and streamline operations.

Notably, the iGaming sector has experienced a boom with the emergence of some of the best crypto casinos the industry has seen yet. According to gambling writer Hema, they cater to users who value privacy and fewer restrictions. Given that many U.S. states still prohibit online gambling, players often resort to such offshore sites, which operate outside traditional regulatory frameworks.

Issues like these underscore the various nuances that go along with cryptocurrency regulation. As its influence grows across many sectors, and Biden looks like he may be forced to drop out of the 2024 Presidential race, here’s how some of the top-ranking democrats view the issue of cryptocurrency.

Kamala Harris

Vice President Kamala Harris has closely observed the current administration’s handling of cryptocurrency. Although she has not detailed her own crypto policy, her prior remarks suggest a cautious openness to its potential. Harris seems to favor a regulated expansion of crypto technologies, provided they contribute positively to the economy and include safeguards for consumers.

Given her legal background and focus on consumer rights, any policy she champions would likely emphasize transparency, fairness, and the protection of consumer data. Harris may also push for initiatives that harness blockchain for public benefits, such as improving government systems and services given her ties to the tech industry.

Elizabeth Warren

Senator Elizabeth Warren has been a vocal critic of cryptocurrency, citing concerns over consumer protection, environmental impact, and regulatory loopholes. She advocates for strict regulations to address what she sees as significant risks associated with digital currencies, including their potential for facilitating scams and fraud. Warren’s approach could involve drafting legislation that targets the transparency of crypto transactions and the accountability of digital currency platforms to protect users from deceptive practices.

Gavin Newsom

California Governor Gavin Newsom has demonstrated a progressive approach to technology, including cryptocurrency. Under his leadership, California has explored various initiatives to integrate blockchain technologies within state operations. Newsom’s stance indicates a recognition of crypto’s potential to enhance governmental transparency and efficiency, though he emphasizes the need for robust regulatory measures to oversee its growth and integration. His administration might advocate for state-level guidelines that could serve as a model for national policies, blending innovation with strict oversight.

Michelle Obama

While Michelle Obama has not held political office, her global influence and advocacy for various causes have led some to speculate about her potential candidacy. Though she’s not likely to enter the political arena, her approach to cryptocurrency would likely emphasize consumer protection and financial inclusivity, reflecting her broader focus on equity and community empowerment. She might support policies that ensure cryptocurrencies do not become tools that widen the socioeconomic divide but rather serve as inclusive financial instruments.

Pete Buttigieg

As Secretary of Transportation and a former presidential candidate, Pete Buttigieg has recognized the potential benefits of blockchain and digital currencies. He advocates for a balanced approach that incorporates crypto into the national economy while mitigating risks through comprehensive policy measures.

Buttigieg might focus on integrating cryptocurrency with national infrastructure projects to enhance their efficiency and transparency. His vision includes leveraging blockchain technology to improve supply chain management and public sector transparency, potentially transforming how governmental projects are monitored and reported.

Amy Klobuchar

Senator Amy Klobuchar views cryptocurrency from a practical standpoint. She acknowledges the significance of financial sector innovation and America’s leadership in technology, including blockchain. However, Klobuchar underscores the need for stringent regulatory frameworks to curb financial crimes and ensure the stability of the financial system.

Her policy might push for enhanced cybersecurity measures and stronger international cooperation in regulating digital currencies to prevent them from becoming conduits for global financial malfeasance. Additionally, she advocates for clear, accessible information to help consumers understand and navigate the complexities of digital currency investments safely.


The potential candidates to succeed President Biden offer diverse perspectives on cryptocurrency, reflecting the larger national discourse on its advantages and drawbacks. As crypto continues to permeate more sectors, including major markets like eCommerce and online casinos, the future president’s policies will play a crucial role in its broader adoption and regulation. Voters interested in the trajectory of digital currencies should consider these positions carefully as they head to the polls in the upcoming election.