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Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Belarus in October: what will keynote speakers talk about?

On October 10, Minsk will host Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Belarus dedicated to cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and ICOs. It is the second time that an international organizer Smile-Expo holds the event in the capital of Belarus.  

This year, Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Belarus will give special attention to legal issues. What laws will help in anti-money laundering, how to launch an ICO correctly and enhance reputation using blockchain: these and other things will be revealed by experts from various countries and sectors.

Artur Kuczmowski: how to combat money laundering on the cryptocurrency market

Artur Kuczmowski is the senior partner at the international group of boutique law firms – Thompson&Stein, lawyer with long-term experience and the author of dozens of specialized articles in industry publications.

At the conference, Artur will talk about AML and KYC procedures as well as explain why they will be useful during anti-money laundering on the cryptocurrency market and how legal regulations in European countries and Directive of the European Union have changed the attitude to cryptocurrencies.

Gerbert Shopnik: application of blockchain in state and commercial economic sectors

Gerbert Shopnik is a key customers and partners relations manager at Bitfury and has long-term experience in working for such major international IT companies as Microsoft, VMware, and Lanit. He specializes in cloud technologies and blockchain.

Gerbert will tell the audience how the distributed ledger technology is applied in Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, and the USA as well as review scenarios for the public sector and commercial organizations in Belarus.

Dmitry Machikhin: ICO legal aspects

Dmitry Machikhin, partner at GMT Legal in Moscow. Currently, he professionally advises IT companies and startups around the world. Besides, he has launched several of his own projects. Since 2017, he has been on the Board of Directors of Midex IT.

At Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference, Dmitry will focus on ICO launching strategies. The expert will tell the audience what details should be taken into account prior to the token sale organization, how to choose an investor, define how much money an ICO should raise, and other ICO legal aspects.

It is not yet a full list of speakers who will be involved in Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Belarus. Other experts and event activities can be found on the website.

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