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SEC Postpones Verdict on Invesco Galaxy Ethereum (ETH) ETF Until July: Crypto Market Awaits Outcome | COINOTAG NEWS

source-logo  en.coinotag.com 06 May 2024 23:52, UTC
  • The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has postponed its decision on the Invesco Galaxy spot Ethereum ETF to July 2024, highlighting increased scrutiny over cryptocurrency products.
  • This move follows a pattern of delays in decision-making on spot Ethereum ETF applications from leading financial firms.
  • Analysts suggest that the SEC’s cautious stance on crypto ETFs may continue in the near term.

The SEC has delayed its decision on the Invesco Galaxy Ethereum ETF, extending its scrutiny over cryptocurrency products. This development underscores the regulatory challenges facing crypto ETFs.

SEC Postpones Decision on Invesco Ethereum ETF

The SEC has announced a further delay in its decision-making process for the Invesco Galaxy Ethereum ETF, now planning to issue its decisions by July 5, 2024. This extension allows the regulatory body to conduct detailed investigations and address any areas of concern. This move is part of a recent trend of postponing decisions on spot Ethereum ETF applications from leading financial companies.

Increased Regulatory Scrutiny

The SEC’s latest filing stated the need for more time to properly analyze the rule change proposal by the Invesco Galaxy Ethereum ETF. The SEC aims to ensure a thorough review of the many intricacies involved in the proposed approval. This action comes amid a series of delays that have affected many other companies seeking similar approvals, such as Grayscale and BlackRock.

Doubts Over Ethereum ETF Approvals

The continued delays have significantly dimmed hopes within the investment community that Ethereum-based ETFs will soon become a reality. Key market analysts, including Eric Balchunas of Bloomberg, have substantially revised their forecasts, with the probability of approval by the end of May falling from 70% to just 25%. This change in sentiment reflects the broader market’s hunger for such innovative financial products, tempered by regulatory uncertainty.


The SEC’s repeated delays impact Invesco Galaxy and set a precedent for other firms awaiting approval for their ETFs. With decisions for VanEck and Ark Invest due later this month, all eyes are on the first hint of any change in the SEC’s approach. The ongoing postponements raise questions about the future landscape of cryptographic investment products and the likelihood of widespread acceptance of digital asset ETFs.
